1 Introductory Section.pdf
1/27/2016 12:25 PMDeluca, Carol J
2 Organizational Section.pdf
1/27/2016 12:25 PMDeluca, Carol J
3a Financial Section - Summary of All Funds.pdf
1/27/2016 12:25 PMDeluca, Carol J
3b General Fund - Expense Budget.pdf
1/27/2016 12:25 PMDeluca, Carol J
3c General Fund - Other Expense Information.pdf
1/27/2016 12:25 PMDeluca, Carol J
3d General Fund - Revenues Budget.pdf
1/27/2016 12:25 PMDeluca, Carol J
3e Technology Fund.pdf
1/27/2016 12:25 PMDeluca, Carol J
3f Federal Programs.pdf
1/27/2016 12:25 PMDeluca, Carol J
3g Other Governmental Funds.pdf
1/27/2016 12:25 PMDeluca, Carol J
4a Info Section - Millage.pdf
1/27/2016 12:25 PMDeluca, Carol J
4b Info Section - Assumptions for Revenues.pdf
1/27/2016 12:25 PMDeluca, Carol J
4c Info Section - Analysis of 2000-01 GF Rev and Exp Histories.pdf
1/27/2016 12:25 PMDeluca, Carol J
4d Info Section - Exp and Rev Forecasts for Gov't Funds.pdf
1/27/2016 12:26 PMDeluca, Carol J
4e Info Section - Miscellaneous Budget Info.pdf
1/27/2016 12:26 PMDeluca, Carol J
4f Info Section - Student Achievement.pdf
1/27/2016 12:26 PMDeluca, Carol J
Glossary of Terms.pdf
1/27/2016 12:26 PMDeluca, Carol J